machines, at the early stages, were used to help man with calculating bits of information we gave it. now again, it seems this has been reversed. given the rise of avatars and live global gaming, we have become the machines that are taking from the minds of these interactive games and social media.
we were created by God to interact with one another and our own minds. To take time daily to reflect about ourselves, our relationships and situations, etc. We were not meant to take time daily to interact with this digital environment and atmosphere which we have created, i.e. sims, World of Warcraft and the like.
Machines are that which do something routine and predictable because that's all they can do. Any human being can be considered a machine if their very lives, their everyday living falls into this definition. The mind gets stronger just as a muscle if it is shown change and challenge. That's how God created us so as to be able to survive, learn, and grow, just as the trees in which He created. When man negates his nature, he'll either become something else or become something nature unintended.
Ever wonder why those who live in villages or those who camp and hike or seek to be with nature find value in the small things and the beauty that lies in the smallest of details in nature? my guess is bc they've found just how beautiful reality is rather than the digital world---alot can be said about the hobbies one expierences. In the same way, so too does one's posture.
When you finally start thinking and reflecting for yourself, you'll start to undue the machine-like-thinking i.e. rountineness of your life and you may start to enjoy thinking.
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